About Us
In 1974, Neal Rubendall left his job at Dellen Oldsmobile in Indianapolis to pursue a sales position with the jewelry company, Speidel. What started as a career change became a passion. Neal quickly moved from selling watchbands and gold chains to managing fifteen sales reps throughout the Midwest. Over a 25-year career at Speidel, Neal’s honesty and integrity helped him establish a loyal customer base that would soon be invaluable. In 1995, Neal left his management position at Speidel to start a privately-owned jewelry business with his son, Nate. The newly formed Rubendall & Associates operated out of Neal’s basement. While Neal and Nate traveled the country searching for clients, Neal’s wife Kitty worked tirelessly keeping the books, doing payroll, and managing inventory.
“When I first got the idea to start Rubendall & Associates, I found new things can be scary. Our number one goal was always to give outstanding service and never take our customers for granted. Through the years, not only did we accomplish this but built friendships we treasure and enjoy. Our business is an extension of us. Remember, making money is great, but making a difference with our customers is even better.”
- Neal Rubendall, Founder
Neal and Kitty Rubendall, Founders of Rubendall & Associates
Jenni and Nate Rubendall, co-operators of Rubendall & Associates
Over the years, Rubendall & Associates graduated from a basement to a small office in Carmel, Indiana. Nate Rubendall overtook operations and now manages it with his wife, Jenni. Even as the business has changed, the original values and morals have remained the same since its foundation. Rubendall & Associates offers higher values for jewelry items and exceptional customer service with a personal touch that is unmatched. They strongly believe in supporting their community, and they are actively involved with IHSSA, Theraplay, Sauder Village, Carmel Dads Club, Camptown, and many other local organizations. Together, they continue the tradition of providing exceptional value and personal attention to their customers’ needs that has always set Rubendall & Associates apart.
Jenni and Nate are the new faces of Rubendall & Associates. They married in 2016 and have been working to meet and help customers together ever since. Nate’s knowledge and expertise in the jewelry business paired with Jenni’s attention to detail and marketing make the couple a skilled, knowledgeable team. Always focused on providing the best customer service, Jenni has completed GIA classes online to learn more about the diamond jewelry industry and the latest trends to better assist Nate with clients. Jenni is also an RN and had a position as surgical ICU nurse at the Indianapolis VA Hospital up until October 2021. She decided to take a break from nursing to work with Nate full time. Jenni is a veteran herself and has a son who served in the United States Marine Corp in Japan. When the two aren't working in the jewelry business they are both busy spending time hiking, biking, and exploring. They have a blended family with six kids whom they love to spend time with!